Foster City Watchdog

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Recall - Vice Mayor Herb Perez!


C/CAG Council Liaison Meeting Attendance 2017

For the year 2017, Council Member Perez's name appears only three times as the representative, and once as co-representative out of 24 possible Committees. A marked improvement for signing up so now lets us review the attendance records. The Mayor/Vice Mayor were Bronitsky and Hindi respectively.

The data contained in the table below is not a typo! Perez missed 6 meetings out of a possible 10 meetings. Would you call attending 40% of the meetings adequate representation?

Meeting Date Rep. Alt. Attendee Absent
Jan-2017 Perez Hindi Absent
Feb-2017 Perez Hindi Perez
Mar-2017 Perez Hindi Perez
May-2017 Perez Hindi Perez
Jun-2017 Perez Hindi Absent
Jul-2017 Perez Hindi Absent
Sep-2017 Perez Hindi Absent
Oct-2017 Perez Hindi Absent
Nov-2017 Perez Hindi Hindi
Dec-2017 Perez Hindi Perez

Attendance data collected from the CCAG staff report that details attendance.

This PDF of the Liaison List from the staff report dated in the upper right hand corner.