Foster City Watchdog

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Recall - Vice Mayor Herb Perez!


C/CAG Council Liaison Meeting Attendance 2019

For the year 2019, Council Member Perez's name appears three times as the representative, twice as the alternate, and once as co-representative out of 27 possible Committees. This level of involvement is taking on a lot considering his lack of involvement or interest over the prior six years. But miracles sometimes do happen! Monitoring attendance will be an ongoing process as 2019 progresses. The Mayor/Vice Mayor are Hindi and Perez respectively.

The League of California Cities is usually represented by the Mayor and the Vice Mayor as an alternate. This is done so our cities representation is by the most tenured and experienced. Yet, Hindi and Perez, not surprisingly, appointed the inexperienced Awasthi as the alternate and bypassing another Council Member with three years experience. This more evidence of the empire building being lead by Perez.

This will be updated from time-to-time as information becomes available.

Meeting Date Rep. Alt. Attendee Absent
Jan-2019 Hindi Perez Hindi
Feb-2019 Hindi Perez Hindi
Mar-2019 Hindi Perez Hindi
Apr-2019 Hindi Perez Absent
May-2019 Hindi Perez Absent
Jun-2019 Hindi Perez Not available Not available

Attendance data collected from meetings minutes from each month as the attendance summary for the full year 2019 will not available until approximately February, 2020. To verify attendance to date, you would have to go to the individual monthly minutes contained in each months staff report.

This PDF of the Liaison List from the staff report dated in the upper right hand corner.