Foster City Watchdog

Increase Public Awareness

Recall - Vice Mayor Herb Perez!


"Internet Tough Guys", May 16, 2016

"Internet bullies because that is what you are."
  • "I've been accused of being an intellectual bully by my closest friends"
  • Your enemies as well?
  • "I work every day to not be an intellectual bully" - How's it coming?
  • "I would suggest the the Bullies and Tough Guys take that same warning." - Or what?
  • "Your hyperbole, gossip and nonsense will no longer be tolerated". - Or what?
Tough Guys (05/16/16 02:10:01 - 02:10:41)
To view the entire City Council Video from City Web Site: City Council Meeting 05/16/2016 6:30 PM