Foster City Watchdog

Increase Public Awareness

Recall - Vice Mayor Herb Perez!


"...we were going to get un-voted in..." January 16, 2018

"Thank you for that email". You are entirely welcome for that email.
  • Since you don't want to listen, the residents are resorting to an alternative - RECALL.
  • Does that suit you better.
  • Why bring up the email in the first place?
  • Perez made it sound like a dare.
  • Perez seems to forget that the Council reports to the people.
  • Does Recall sound better than un-voted in? Looks like it.

"Un-voted in" (01/16/18 01:15:19 - 01:15:36)
To view the entire City Council Video from City Web Site: City Council Meeting 01/16/2018 6:30 PM